We have long had an admiration with La Marzocco and lucky enough to be in a position from time to time to visit the factory but only lately has a visit to the wonderful Accademia del Caffe Espresso been possible, it takes you on a wonderful story of coffee and if you are ever in Florence and are a coffee lover we highly recommend booking a guided tour located in Fiesole its a short No. 25 bus trip from Florence.

It is always a pleasure to meet with the good folk that are busy around the Accademia we first met Silvia at the London Coffee Festival before Hollys was even opened and have bumped into her and fed her and her team some Hollys brownies at various coffee events through the years.

But we will always now miss the presence of Piero, to be honest it may have been why we went so often :-)
It was a pleasure to have been in his company over the years and even more so when he made you an espresso...
It was always a great reminder of the Love of the technique of producing an espresso, it is something with many elements that cant be rushed or detail missed, it is better to throw a bad one out than to think it will ever do 😊
Do things how you want to do them...

It is great to be a small quality focused cafe, a reminder of this came when heading out for dinner we found Osteria a 3 generation family restaurant in true Tuscan style...
You know you are in good company when all the staff come for a picture at the height of service :-)
There can be no regrets when you believe in what you do.