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It's strange how people meet, we are both born and bread in Ballynahinch, both went to Ballynahinch High and our kids all attended the same primary school, which is where we first arranged to meet and go for a coffee and a chat unknowingly which would end up being the beginning of the Hollys Coffee Co. journey.... 

About Janice



Mum, Wife, Lover of Fashion, Boss, Baker, Coffee Drinker, Artist

& Taste-maker

I'm a lover of baking and making, mum to 3 girls and have a really useful degree in Textiles, my background was in Fashion prior to my adventure with Hollys and I'm much better at sketching my ideas than writing about them :-)


I'm a keen sipper of a good USA...




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It was always an ambition to create a space where people could come give themselves a few minutes out of their day just to sit, sip and wonder about the marvels of life....


Will happily travel to Florence for no reason and will put up a great case how you cannot do latte art with a proper cappuccino!

  • Hollys Coffee Co
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